CranioSacral therapy, also called KST, has its origins in osteopathy, however it is a gentler form of treatment which is carried out with gentle pressure and stretching of the tissue.

The treatment loosens tension in the connective tissue membranes inside the head, or spinal cord nerve. This will provide a deep, lasting relaxation of the muscles in the neck and back that attach to the vertebrae.

A KST treatment works with bones, membranes (meninges), cerebrospinal fluid (brain fluid), muscles, connective tissue and organs that influence the nervous, hormonal and immune systems.

KST helps the body to move better and contributes to a reduction of pain. It provides good relaxation without any kind of pain or discomfort.

The technique is therefore incredibly good for dogs that are sensitive and have body aches.

Issues where KST can help:

  • Lameness (after examination by a veterinarian)
  • Muscle tension
  • Stiffness and lack of movement in the neck, neck, back and lumbar vertebrae
  • Tension in the joints of the skull bones
  • Behavior change
  • Balancing joints
  • Balancing after physical and psychological trauma
  • Different types of stress.
  • symptoms that come from a pinched nerve, wobbles, stiffness, lameness, momentary nerve and muscle "failure", digestion etc.
  • Running eyes