If you have a dream of training your dog as a drug detection dog, we have classes where you can teach your dog the odor of drugs and to alert when they find drugs.

Over the course of a weekend, we will teach your dog to know a specific type of drug and alert on this odor, for example cocaine.

If you would like to teach your dog to find the other types of drugs, then it is just a new weekend course, so you can adapt which types of drugs you want your dog to be able to find.

We have the following types of drugs to search for:
cocaine, amphetamine, heroin, marijuana/hash, mdma, fentanyl, pcp.

We use the Scentlogix synthetic drugs which are completely legal to own and the best alternative to real drugs to train on.

We teach the dogs what is called a passive alert when they find drugs, the dog can either stand, sit or down and stare at where it has found the drugs.

From there, we can then reward the dog for having found what we are looking for.

With us you will not get a certified dog, as in Denmark there is no approved certification from the Danish authorities.

A certification would not be a valid piece of paper anywhere, nor is foreign certification valid in Denmark as there is no Danish standard for civilian drug dogs.

With us, you get a diploma and a dog that can find drugs, and a statement if you need to use your dog for work.

There is of course more to having a drug dog than just being able to recognize the odor and alert on drugs.

That is why we also hold courses specifically for searches where we work with search technic, patterns and various types of searches (packages, rooms, cars & outdoor searches).

Upcoming courses & prices will be posted on our website and Facebook page.